Exterior pipeline protection

An external protection of a pipe or pipeline structure is mostly done manually. When the coating is applied on new structures a robotical system may be an option for larger quantities.

Exterior pipeline protection

When the pipeline structure is kept above ground and subject to UV impact, the Humidur® epoxy coating may discolor because of this effect. Acotec offers therefore an additional UV topcoat, Humidur® TC, to keep the color for esthetical reason. This additional layer gives no added value in terms of corrosion protection and is solely used to maintain the color of the coated pipeline. This topcoat is available in any RAL-color.


Technical documents, data sheets, specification sheets and much more information are all available on www.humidur.be.


Technical documents, data sheets, specification sheets and much more information are all available on www.humidur.be.

Member of:

Chinese Classification Society American Bureau of Shipping American Association of Port Authorities The European Small Hydropower Association The International Association of Ports and Harbors National Association of Corrosion Engineers  The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure The Society For Protective Coatings British Hydropower Association

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