Fagervika Tank T12 - Statoil

Refurbishment of sealing floor-wall tank T12, inside coating work, bottom floor and tank shell.

The job included a complete renewal of the sealing between the tank floor and the tank wall.
After gritblasting, degreasing, dedusting and stripe-coating of the tank floor and wall, a final coat of minimum 400µm was applied as a complete corrosion protection of the interior tank.

  • Start of the project: September 2005
  • End of the project: December 2005
  • Name client:Statoil Norge AS, Fagervika depot, Trondheim, Norway

Fagervika Tank T12 - Statoil

Fagervika Tank T12 - Statoil



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Member of:

Chinese Classification Society American Bureau of Shipping American Association of Port Authorities The European Small Hydropower Association The International Association of Ports and Harbors National Association of Corrosion Engineers  The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure The Society For Protective Coatings British Hydropower Association

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