Kokers - Zeebrugge - Belgium

Kokers - Zeebrugge - Belgium

The special aspect of this job were the site conditions. The anti-corrosion system had to be applied down to 5 meters under the capping beam in tunnels with restricted access and movable area. The tunnel is 15 meters wide and has 3 meters clearance, which is very limited to access with a floating barge. The use of a crane is not possible in this 900 meter long tunnel, so a special designed barge and cofferdam was needed.

Another difficulty was the use of the tunnels for the discharge of rainwater coming from France. Two times every day, the discharge took place, which implicated an evacuation of the whole barge, as the tunnels are flushed completely.

Kokers - Zeebrugge - Belgium


  • Start of the project: June 2008
  • End of the project: Still ongoing
  • Exact location: Kokers, Zeebrugge, Belgium
  • Name client: Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV, Belgium
  • Treated surface: 6000 m²
  • Applied products: Humidur®

Kokers - Zeebrugge - Belgium



Technical documents, data sheets, specification sheets and much more information are all available on www.humidur.be.

Member of:

Chinese Classification Society American Bureau of Shipping American Association of Port Authorities The European Small Hydropower Association The International Association of Ports and Harbors National Association of Corrosion Engineers  The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure The Society For Protective Coatings British Hydropower Association

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