Talisman Energy - Onsite Repair

Talisman Energy UK Ltd. uses the HUMIDUR® products to repair any corrosion damage on different locations spread over the different offshore platforms.
The coating product was made in RAL6018 according the client’s wish in a brush variant. Trained personnel of CAN Offshore Ltd. was hired to perform the repairs.

Year of treatment: 2013

Exact structures: TLM AUK
                               TLM TARTAN
                               TLM CLYDE
                               TLM CLAYMORE

Talisman Energy - Onsite Repair

Talisman Energy - Onsite Repair



Technical documents, data sheets, specification sheets and much more information are all available on www.humidur.be.

Member of:

Chinese Classification Society American Bureau of Shipping American Association of Port Authorities The European Small Hydropower Association The International Association of Ports and Harbors National Association of Corrosion Engineers  The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure The Society For Protective Coatings British Hydropower Association

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